Japanese Table Manners

"Okay, here I am not doing it quite properly, I should have my palm facing up and have the bottom of the bowl or cup like china sitting on my fingers and side supported by my thumb.  I was too focused with taking picture here...

And it is also appropriate to have your mouth actually touching the bowl when ingesting soup like meal, such as miso soup, udon, soba, etc.

And from time to time you may notice Japanese making slurping noise when consuming noodles and soups.  This is also appropriate in Japanese table.  It is said that you are ingesting air together with the food and enhance the flavour (like wine tasting) as well as having cooling effect when cosuming hot soup.  And Japanese do serve their soups hot!

These 3 specific manners are inappropriate in most other cultures.  For example, in Chinese table setting, one should not hold a bowl in your hand while eating, in an appropriate setting."

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