Why Are Watermelons In Japan Square-shaped?

As long as a watermelon is tasty, does it matter what shape it is? Probably not! But in Japan it's a different story.
Farmers in Japan have actually figured out how to grow different shaped watermelons, such as Heart-shaped as well as Square-shape. The invention is attributed to a farmer from theisland of Shikoku as he was was trying to figure out an easier way to handle the large fruit.
These Square-shape watermelons have been popular in Japan for over 30 years and the main reason for their popularity is that they can be easily stacked in a fridge - Brillant! This is convenient as it saves a lot of room, especially living in Japan where space is limited. Also being squared like boxes, they are easily shipped. Square Watermelons are a big export in Japan.
How are Square Watermelons grown?
The key factor is timing. The best time is when the Watermelon is still small and on the vine. They are placed into a square glass box or sometimes a concrete block. As the Watermelon gradually grows, it takes the shape of its container. The Japanese usually use glass boxes as it helps with the growth of the Watermelon where it can receive sunlight on all sides.
by Joi
Square watermelons as well as those heart-shaped ones are a lot more expensive compared to the regular round ones. In Japan you can purchase them around for $82 or 10,000 Yen, while the regular watermelons are sold for only $15 or $20. In some places in Europe, depending on size and quality, they can fetch for over 200 to 300 Euros. In recent news, a Square Watermelon in Russia is being sold for over 700 dollars.