Green Tea: A Vital Ingredient Against Oral Cancer Cells?

In recent years green tea has received a great deal of attention throughout the media. Many health claims have been made and some are actually very beneficial to consumers. One such discovery is the ability of Green tea to kill oral cancer cells. While this may seem like an impossible task for an ordinary beverage the research is astounding.
Researchers teamed up to use modern imaging techniques and fluorescent dyes to measure the actions of the compounds within the tea itself yielding some startling results. So if you are an avid green tea consumer you may be getting more benefits than you had considered before.
It seems that the important compound in green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate – EGCG, can kill a great deal of oral cancer cells. This compound accomplishes this feat without any harm to healthy cells either which is a major plus considering the damage of some current treatments within the body. The tests were carried out with fluorescent dyes during the active parts of the testing procedures.