Sushi Burger Making Its Mark

The new craze in the past decade is fusion food.  With a wave of immigrants from the last 50 years have brought their cultures and foods in the areas they have settled.  Since the 70s, Chinese food is probably the biggest fusion type food in the Western world. 

Many understand that the foods served at Chinese restaurants in North America and Europe are not authentic Chinese food.  The menus are more catered to the Western palate where ingredients are swap for something local or simply adjusted by lowering or increasing the amount used.

Today there are many fusion restaurants that have been very popular lately that serve more than two or three different styles.  Now speaking about the influence of Japanese food, the biggest adjustment from authentic Japanese food is the type of fish used and also the sauces.  This is an imprint not just from the Western pallets but also because of the lack of ingredients found in the local area.  This is how avocado was introduced in California because of the lack of fatty fish that is needed in some sushi rolls.

New Generation of Fusion Japanese Food

Three years ago we did an interview with Jogasaki, a food cart that serves sushi burritos.  You can read interview here.  What is interesting now is that sushi burritos are popular nowadays not just in southern California but in major cities across the United States.

Sushi Burger and HotDog

Now the next big thing is the sushi burger.  But let’s not forget the Ramen burger that has started this trend as well as a the Japa-dogs (Hot dog with western and Japanese Ingredients).  Burgers are probably the most iconic food in the United States, so we are not surprised of the forthcoming of the sushi version.

Sushi Burger Explained

The Ramen style burger uses deep-fried noodles acting as the bun, whereas the sushi burger uses rice as the bun.  The ingredients used inside the rice bun are pretty much anything you can find on a sushi menu in the United States.  If you are curious on some of these ingredients, please read our sushi calories database.

Just to name a few ingredients below:

  • avocados
  • jalapenos
  • seaweed
  • roast beef
  • pretty much any type of fish


  • mayo
  • spicy mayo
  • sriracha sauce
  • soy sauce

We have probably forgotten a few dozen more ingredients in the list above.  Just check of the in scam photos below to see what kind of stuff are used to make these yummy sushi rivers.

Keeping the Mock Bun together

The tricky part about the sushi burger is the integrity of the rice because it has to held together when picked up with the hands.  Unlike the Ramen burger, the noodles are deep-fried, thus making it more solid. 

The rice preparation will be dependent on the chef on how he or she will manage to keep it together.  We have noticed that some use brown rice as well as quinoa which are pretty tricky to keep together because of its lack of stickiness. 


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But there is one rare photo that we found where the chef deep-fried the rice - we are currently trying to search fort his image, please email if you have any information.