Mar 14, 2015

Let’s begin with the basics: What is Wagyu?

Wagyu is very high quality Japanese beef that is produced by indigenous Japanese cattle breeds like the Japanese Black. Many…

Mar 09, 2015

Michael Booth’s book Sushi and Beyond has taken his readers at home and abroad by storm. The book focuses on a one hundred day journey through some very unlikely areas as well as well known areas…

Feb 17, 2015

Vinegar-like odor, slimy texture, and bland tasting. These are words that you would hope to never ever use when…

Feb 11, 2015

A lot has been said about the connection between a healthy lifestyle and a long life. Some say it’s just a bunch of scientific jargon but if the world’s oldest woman Misao Okawa is anything to go…

Feb 09, 2015

In recent years green tea has received a great deal of attention throughout the media. Many health claims have been made and some are actually very beneficial to consumers. One such discovery is…

Feb 03, 2015

Many of us have heard the words ‘I will love you ‘till the end of time’ but how many people have actually kept this promise? Well, 71 year-old Kazuyoshi Ueno has kept his…

Feb 01, 2015

Two of the most popular Japanese related food in America?  Answer: How about Wasabi and Salmon.

Why these 2?

The kick of the wasabi is what makes it so…

Jan 15, 2015


Early in the 20th century, sheep was imported to Japan not only for wool but for eating.  Several sheep farms could be found throughout Japan during that time. Several years later most…